Breaking Biases Through Outdoor Activities



Clay Connections Foundation is a 501(c) (3) not for profit charitable recognized entity that will break biases through outdoor recreation, with the support of sponsorship opportunities, charitable donations and grants, bringing young people from urban environments together with men and women from our law enforcement community to learn how to shoot shotguns, safely store firearms, and break clay targets in a safe environment through activities that will build trust and respect for the participants at the Warren Watson Shooting Grounds at Valhalla Bijou Hunt Club.

If it doesn’t challenge you,
it won’t change you.
— Fred Devito



Clay Connections Foundation’s Challenge Coin is provided to supporters and participants of our programs.


Founded in November 2020 by Michael Mills to bring together some of his passions, Law Enforcement, and Sporting Clays to benefit the communities in which we live.

  • The idea to incorporate a fun activity around shooting clays with law enforcement and urban youth in a safe environment while creating a bond between the participants.

  • Mike has over 30 years experience with non-profit and for-profit companies.

  • Through June, 2023, for 29 years, he has been involved with Metro Denver Crime Stoppers and had served as it’s Board President for the last 18 years.




Engagement in non-threatening and fun outdoor activities while building trust and friendships.



  • Research suggests that youth who are not routinely involved in supervised activities and who lack significant connections to positive influences and role models are more likely to become perpetrators and/or victims of crime. The incidence of drug abuse, violence, and destructive behavior also increases without proper supervision.

  • Officers who participate say they enjoy the activities and get a good feeling from the bonds they develop with the young people. They also benefit by learning more about the home lives and challenges these kids face, resulting in a more compassionate and nuanced approach to them.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services




“Building relationships between law enforcement and youth in our communities is extremely important. Creating trust and mutual respect are the bedrock for a thriving community. When law enforcement becomes a trusted component of the community that they serve, the community is receptive to building relationships with law enforcement. I fully support, Clay Connections Foundation, that Mike Mills has developed that will further these community-based relationships and look forward to participating.” ~ Sheriff Tony Spurlock, Douglas County


"To ensure a safer community, law enforcement relies on partnerships with citizens of all beliefs, races, genders, and ages. I applaud the Clay Connections Foundation's efforts to help strengthen relationships between local police and our youth." ~ Sheriff Jeff Shrader, Jefferson County Sheriff Office